About Us
Syrian Airlines aims to contribute seriously and effectively to achieving its aspirations to support the growing economy of the Syrian Arab Republic through its objectives in the field of transporting Syrian and non-Syrian passengers and transporting goods, as well as in improving reception, deportation and feeding services provided to Arab and foreign aircraft landing at our airports, using the best way to operate the ideal resources for the purpose of that revenue.
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Syria Airlines in the Skies of Riyadh
Syrian Airlines is pleased to announce to its valued passengers the start of operating its regular flightsDamascus – Riyadh – DamascusStarting from 7/10/2024This is an average weekly flight every Wednesday according to the following times:Damascus take-off 04:25 local time in DamascusArrival in Riyadh 06:25 Riyadh local timeRiyadh take-off is 07:25 Riyadh local timeArrival in Damascus…

The Syrian Airlines Training and Qualification Center at Damascus International Airport announces the start of registration for the sixth basic private air hospitality course. The course includes: -Basic Aviation English-Crew Resource Management CRM-Dangerous Goods Regulations DGR-Aviation Security-First Aid-Safety procedures-Safety equipments-Emergency procedures-Survival-Practical training (Evaluation, Ditching, Fire Fighting)-Evaluation test-Field trip on Syrianair aircraft The course is taught…

Welcome, His Excellency, the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Damascus With flowers, Syrian Airlines received on its plane coming from Dubai to the capital of Jasmine the first ambassador of the United Arab Emirates since 2011.